What is Flutter and How Does it Work?

 What is Flutter and How Does it Work?

The Architecture of Flutter Apps

Flutter apps are composed of various components such as widgets, plugins, and themes. These components are all built on top of the underlying architecture, which consists of five main layers. The Bottom layer consists of the platform-specific code such as Java or Objective C for iOS development or Kotlin or Java for Android development. This layer interacts with the hardware and operating system to provide the necessary functionality for an application to run.

The Dart layer is situated between the Platform Layer and Application Layer. This layer contains all the code written in Dart that forms the business logic for an application. The Skia Library makes up part of this layer, providing a set of APIs that allow developers to interact with graphics elements such as text, images, and shapes.
Above these two layers is the Framework Layer, which provides developers with access to a range of features such as layout, styling, input handling, navigation, state management, and more via its extensive library of widgets. These widgets provide users with everything they need to build an interface quickly and easily.
Finally, at the top of this architecture is the Application Layer where developers write their code using Dart language and make use of Flutter’s libraries and API’s to build their applications according to their specifications.  

Compiling Flutter Apps

Once developers have written their code in Dart language using Flutter libraries, it needs to be compiled into machine language so that it can be executed by a device’s processor. To achieve this compilation process Flutter uses two engines: AOT (Ahead Of Time) compiler which compiles Dart code into native machine code during app compilation; And JIT (Just In Time) compiler that performs incremental compilation during runtime when changes are made in source code files while debugging apps in developer mode.    

Flutter has revolutionized mobile app development by allowing developers to quickly create high-performance cross-platform applications without having to learn multiple languages or frameworks. Its underlying architecture consists of five layers – Platform Layer consisting of platform specific code; Dart Layer containing business logic written in Dart Language; Framework Layer providing access features such as layout styling etc.; Skia Library providing APIs for interacting with graphics elements; And Application Layer where developers write their own custom application code using Dart language and other libraries provided by flutter framework. Furthermore its Ahead Of Time Compiler (AOT) & Just In Time Compiler (JIT) ensure efficient compiling processes making it possible for applications created using flutter framework to run smoothly & efficiently on both iOS & Android devices alike!

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